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Whow is flykurdistan and where is it

Flykurdistan is a part of Deluxe Tourism Company Located in Kurdistan Region of Iraq in Duhok, Kro Street

What do Flykurdistan Offer

Ticket, Hotel Booking all around the world, Also Electronic Visa Application for Iraqi Citizen, Tour package and other Services

Whay are your Price cheaper than Travel Agency Offices

Because flykurdistan does not have as many costs and we also think that a little profit on a regular basis can be a lot

Whay are your Price Higher than Online Booking Website 

we have a cheaper price, but Online booking pages show a price that is then higher by adding the tax or you have to buy for luggage or you have to pay with the mentioned credit card or you have to pay something extra! but we at flykurdistan give you the final price which includes all fees

How if I need to change or cancel My Ticket or Hotel

we may then follow the airline or the hotel's rules, We will notify you exactly what we get from our suppliers which is then the same for everyone anywhere

Iwhay no one Answer my Phone Call

We Work from 10.00 Am to 22.00 Pm and Aswer all request as soon as possible, we Take Care offers only by Message so we have all information writen so that no misunderstanding will occur between Flykurdistan and Customer

How and when should I Pay

Payment will be throw
 (FIB Bank) Fast pay or Money Transfer to Exchange Bazar in Duhok We have to recive payment before being able to book any Services, payment is secure because it always shows from whom to which company in what time the money has been sent

I have found good Ticket - Hotel Can you book it for Me

You can Search on any website, find any ticket rout or any hotel, Send it to us and we will give you our price and book throw our booking platform
Can I recive my Order in Deluxe Tourism Office

Unfortunately Fly Kurdistan Workers totally independent, Fly Kurdistan Team Works Only Online

How Should I contact Flykurdistan or send you my Request

You can Contact Us and send your questions anytime, by Any way you want, Insta, Messenger, Comment but Booking request should be only By Whatsapp Sound of text Message so we have everything written and nothing goes wrong

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